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South Platte River Tools

Administrative Tool

Big T Now

Lower provides these tools to assist in understanding river conditions and administration.  It is up to the user to determine the usefulness and accuracy for a given application.  Please contact Lower at with comments/questions.  The data in these tools is provisional data from the Colorado Division of Water Resources (CDWR).

Irrigation Frequency Table
May contain: scoreboard, chart, and plot


  1. Enter the frequency you wish to irrigate in days in the first box upper right.
  2. Enter the amount of inches you require.
  3. Enter the number of hours you wish to irrigate.
  4. Enter the number of acres you have to irrigate with your well.
  5. Enter the climate factor for this period.
  6. Check the results in the lower right boxes.  Adjust entries if needed.
Conversion Table
May contain: chart, plot, scoreboard, and measurements
GPM Calculator In An Open Pipe
May contain: chart, plot, diagram, plan, and measurements

E-mail:  for more information